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Merge & Convergence

Art is inspiration and investment no matter where. We work to intersec both physical & digital art,

no matter your point of entry. Physical can be digitalize, digital can be printed in your home, all posible

ways so no one is left behind and so everybody take advantage of decentralized

technology & finance, but overall: art

“Everything you can

imagine is real”

-Pablo Picasso

$40 Billion


$150 Billion


$1 Trillion


NFT Collections











Adriana Segura

Co Founder & CEO

Luis Rossano

Co Founder & Board Member

1919 Gallery Story – Adriana’s Bio

1919 GALLERY: Is a 10 year experienced cultural & arts proyects company, with operations in Mexico City & Berlin. As seen in both specialized media outlets from Andy Warhole´s Interview Magazine to Reforma Newspaper. ENDRI DANI (CDMX) : After presenting in the cathedral of the contemporary art, Pompidou in Paris, in colaboration with Opera Garnie, The artwork & Endri traveled to presenten in 1919 with Conservatorio Nacional. Curators, heads of museums and the underminister of culture attended the vernissage. Collection was purchased and it’s permanently shown in MUCEM, Marseille. INDIANILLA (BERLIN) : Sponsored by the Martin Gropius Bau, the German contemporary art cathedral, was inagurated by the former Minster of Foreign Affairs of MX & today Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, her excellency, Patricia Espinoza. The Exposition contain artwork from the most valued MX artist, that have presented worldwide. POHLAND (CDMX) : In the frame of Chancellor Merkel State Visit to MX, Ms Segura was hired by the SPD (Social Democrat Party) Cultural Foundation, Willi Brant Haus, the German Kinemathek, Jason Pohland Archive. to create an exposition & a cicle of proyections. It achieve +20,000 visitors at Cineteca. LA RUPTURA (THE HAGUE) : Presented in one of the most vibrant and important contemporary art galleries / museum: Pulchri. With one of the judges of the international court as special guests and inagurated by The Mexican Ambassador. La Ruptura was the movement that came after the Muralist. LIBROS DE ARTISTA (BRUSELS) : Presented at La Bibliothèque Wittokienne, one of the most complete and prestigious collections on handcrafted books, including some owned by Napoleon himself. The exposition called the atention of the head of Bozart, the cathedral of contemporary art of Belgium, inagurated by the Mexican ambassador and attended by the major of Brusells

Luis’s Art Bio

Luis’s Tech Bio

LITERATURE: First time published in 1998 by the most prestigious-at-the-time national newspaper Reforma, for winning the peotry contest “Pluma Joven”. Wrote the novel “Utopía de un pendejo” (An Asshole´s Utopia) accepted to be published by Cambridge BrickHouse (editors Miami Herald) and register a poetry book “Geometry of Consciousness”.

JOURNALISM: 10 year experience publishing for top mexican media outlets like Reforma, Milenio, e-Consulta, El Periódico. Interviewing journalist like Gabriela Warkentin, National Geographic Photographer Rodrigo Cruz, laureted Zürich base soprano Rebeca Olvera.

FILM INDUSTRIE: Producer & Asociate Producer. The works have visited all the festival circuit in Mexico: Guadalajara, Guanajuato, Acapulco, San Miguel de Allende, Puerto Vallarta, Morelia. “Resistencia” became the most viewed Documentary in MX history.

SCULPTURE / PAINTING: “Apilados” in recycling Pepenafest 2008, “PornoGalaxy” in the hype Gallery Festival in Mexico City, Corredor Roma Condesa 2012, colaboration with the Streetwear Brand “Fin Industries”.“Guiño” Stattuete for Celuloide Film Festival.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Expositor in 2007 & 2008 Mexican Photographic Encounter. In 2006 the Zapatistas Guerrilla Movement accepted to be followed & photographed for a month, right next to Marcos (leader). Pics made it to the local and national media outlets.

MUSIC: +20 songs copyrighted in Mexico. (Lyrics & Music).

DESIGN: The book “Logo: infografía mínima: Diagrama de Negocios” (Logo: minimal infographic: Business Diagrams) made in 2021, still in edition. To be publish in 2023.

Serial Tech Entrerpreneur Angel Investor, Patentholder Engineer & International Awarded business Influencer. Founder & Chairman of Blue Quark Group, iQuantum Patent Factory, AI Acelera. CO FOUNDER of Victoria Ecosystems, Motrix Technologies. Advisor to the Unicorn Jüsto.

Advocacy: Regulary Consulted Expert by China Global Television Network, Financiero Bloomberg, Washington Post, German & Italian Outlets. Expert in Deep Tech, AI, Cryptoassets, Metaverse, IoT, Climate Change, Biodiversity Lost, Gender Equality, SDGs, SMEs, Future of Work.

International Speaker & Advisor: +200 Lectures & +100 State & Business Missions arround the world. Member of the Advisory Team to the USMCA renegociation. VP of the Mexican German business Council, VP of the Portuguese Mexican Industrial Chamber, National Advisor of Index. G20/B20 taskforce Member. Advocacy in UNESCO, IMF

Awarded by the Mexican President with the prestigous Nationals Exporters Price. Named one of the top 100 Automotive Leaders at the MGM-GRAND Las Vegas – ITAS Summit. Leader of the Future of Mexico in the Mexico Business Summit

The Alliance




MYNT BY 1919


Profit while saving the world

VICTORIA is using the full power of Web3.0 blockchain to let people understand the planet and its ecosystems like the internet helped us understand how people network and learn. Victoria manages and productizes crypto assets from sustainable land. It uses an Airbnb model, allowing any landowner to finance environmental and community based regenerative land practices without giving up ownership. Victoria currently has reserves in 5 countries and is growing rapidly in an effort to make it more profitable to regenerate our ecosystems than exploit them.

THE VICTORIA ART COLLECTION: provides the art for the digital asset Launched by Victoria Land. The Collection has the purpose of power of world-class art to increase the visibility of Ecosystem, Biodiversity & Nature as a whole. The collection is curated, protected & and promoted internationally by the prestigious 1919 Gallery & MYNT by 1919

THE VICTORIA COLLECTORS CLAN: The Collection has a membership: The collectors Clan. MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS: You get digital art twice a year. You get printable art, including 3D Models with their printing instructions, once a year. You get physical art delivered where you wish once a year.Congratulations: you’re personal yearly carbon footprint is offseted! Each April (for the first two years of the life of the membership) you get 10 Victoria DEV Carbon Offset Certificates (each equivalent to one ton of CO2. You are invited to curated art experiences & exhibitions arround the world. You can choose which ones to attend. And well, someone has to break the good news to you: You are granted acces (for as long as you hold your membership to:

THE MOST SUSTAINABLE ORDER OF NON-SUCH: A global social club like no other, where highly influential & committed leaders, celebrities, philanthropist & founders from arround the world come together to accelerate the solutions to give more visibility to biodiversity. It host world-class events filled with purpose & magic, at prime locations arround the world, particularly at historial & nature heritage sites. Clan Membership can only be obtain & mantain by owning1 of the 99 exclusive Membership NFTs (Sale: JULY 22)

NFT Collections










Q2 – 22

  • Ideation
  • Market Research
  • Art Style
  • Brand Survey

Q3 – 22

  • Brand Awareness & Marketing
  • Token Sale
  • NFT Release
  • Staking Development

Q4 – 22

  • Community Development
  • On-Chain Voting Implementation
  • VR Integration
  • DeFi Roadmap